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I thank you.


Juliana Namulangeni



“Please join us in celebrating a very special midwife! Sudan's loss is Malawi's gain!
Dear Colleagues,
UNFPA has many great advocates for our causes. But I think that all those who know her will agree with me that our dear Juliana Lunguzi (Midwifery Advisor in the Sudan CO) is one of the best.
Her commitment to the critical importance of midwifery for improved maternal and newborn health is renown. Her enthusiasm is contagious. Her persistence in the face of all challenges is remarkable.
Well, now I am pleased to share with you the news that Juliana will be using her advocacy skills to take her commitment to maternal health to a whole new level.
The sad part: She will be leaving the Sudan CO and UNFPA in February.The exciting part: After much soul searching and discussion, Juliana has decided to run for Parliament in her home country of Malawi!!!
She will compete in the elections this spring. Talk about 'upstream policy work'!
Juliana has long expressed the idea that the true believers in development, in womens' empowerment, in good governance, and in the right to good reproductive health in Africa ought to be sitting in the State Houses, not just in the technical ministries or NGOs or the UN agencies.
And she is now acting on that belief. What better commitment could there be?
Please join all of us in the Sudan CO in wishing Juliana the very best in her new role. We fully expect that she will be elected, be a great MP, and go on to even bigger things in her beloved Malawi and in Africa overall.
We love you, Julie, and are with you all the way!
UNFPA Sudan Team”

Juliana Lunguzi, Dedza East Campaign Pay Pal linl

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