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My Resume

Among others, my main achievements to date include:


  • Using my membership of the nurses association, I contributed to the significant growth of the Nurses and Midwives Association in Malawi to the level of becoming a vibrant, impactful and self-sustaining organisation.

  • Making the most of my status as a committee member of the Nurses and Midwives Council, I co-facilitated the strengthening and professionalization of the nurses and midwives professions in Malawi. This included development of nursing and midwifery standards, operational procedures, continuing professional development materials and accountability frameworks.

  • I coordinated the first emergency obstetric care assessment in Malawi, which provided data for the development of the road-map for the reduction of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in the country.

  • As Projects Officer responsible for Sexual and Reproductive Health, I facilitated the creation of a Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) system including creation of a database, M&E Plan for the Sexual and Reproductive Health programme for effective tracking of results.

  • I played a key role in the set up of the first secretariat for the Association of Malawian Nurses and Midwives, the organization that advocates for midwives’ education, practice and welfare in Malawi.

  • As National Program Officer for Sexual and Reproductive Health, I led several advocacy issues at national level, including the “Campaign to accelerate the reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality in Malawi”, “Stop early marriage campaigns”, “End-fistula Campaign”, “Raising the profile of nurses and midwives in Malawi”, “Incorporating young people into the Malawi growth and development strategy” which led to its adoption as one of the main pillars of the program. This included networking with policy makers, forging strategic alliances with key stakeholders and evidence-based advocacy.

  • Together with senior management in UNFPA Malawi, I provided expert advice to the government of Malawi and civil society organizations on sexual and reproductive health, maternal, neonatal and child health including the implementation of the road map for the acceleration of the reduction of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and the implementation and review of the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) programme of work.

  • I led the multi-sector team to develop and operationalize a community health service package implemented under the Malawi Social Action Fund (MASAF), addressing issues of maternal and child health towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The team comprised of Ministry of Health staff, World Health Organisation, and MASAF.

  • I was a key member of the committee that saw the advocacy and policy guidelines into the implementation of youth friendly health services in Malawi through development of standards and monitoring tools as well as training guides.

  • I mobilized programme resources for the health sector in the area if maternal health and youth programming for key donors like European Union, DFID.


My Professional Qualifications:


  • I have a Master's degree in Science on Community Health Nursing obtained at Valparaiso University, in Indiana, U.S.A. (1996 -1997)

  • I have a Bachelors degree in Science (Nursing) (1993 -1995) from Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, U.S.A.

  • In 1992 I was awarded a Diploma in Nursing and Certificate in Midwifery by the University of Malawi, Kamuzu College of Nursing


My Professional Experience:


From 2011 to January 2014, I was working as an International Midwifery Advisor of the UNFPA, in Khartoum - Sudan


My duties were:


  • Assessing and mapping needs and gaps in midwifery in North Sudan in the following areas: human resource planning and management of the midwifery workforce, education and training, professional association development, standards and regulations, financing and budgeting for the midwifery directorate.

  • Mobilizing technical and financial support for the key strategic areas of midwifery education, regulation and association.

  • Mobilizing resources for the midwifery programme in Sudan at Federal and state levels.

  • Supporting training, basic and continuous education needs and support supervision of midwives.

  • Supporting the monitoring and evaluation of midwifery as part of human resources plans.

  • Support in resource mobilization for midwifery practice and education.

  • Providing advocacy and coordination support towards mobilization of advocates for midwifery through the national midwifery association and other stakeholders.

  • Documenting and sharing best practices with other countries and regional midwife advisers.

  • Facilitating networking and coalition-building with other national programmes, agencies, organizations and professionals to improve reproductive health, particularly maternal and newborn health.


From 2009 to 2011 I was the National Programme Officer responsible for Sexual Reproductive Health with UNFPA in Lilongwe, Malawi

Among other things, I,

  • Provided strategic guidance and technical direction in the area of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) within the framework of UNFPA support to the government of Malawi and other non-governmental organizations within and outside Malawi.

  • Planned and coordinated fistula prevention and repair programme and drove accelerated deployment of the fistula programme to more districts.

  • Planned and coordinated community initiatives that prevented maternal and neonatal mortality at community level including working with chiefs and men to advance reproductive health in particular and the International Conference for Population and Development (ICPD) agenda in general.

  • Facilitated partnership building with non-governmental organizations and faith based organizations working in the area of sexual and reproductive health.

  • Provided technical support in the area of reproductive health commodity security through proper quantification and forecasting of reproductive health commodities especially condoms and contraceptives.

  • Provided technical leadership in the process of repositioning family planning in the country including advocating for a budget line for contraceptives within the country’s national health budget.

  • Provided technical support in the setting up of the association of Malawian midwives secretariat and the development of its strategic plan.

  • Represented UNFPA in district, national, regional and global meetings and fora in the areas sexual and reproductive health.

  • Provided leadership and support to the U.N. country office in the area of youth SRH and supported linkages of SRH and other UNFPA core initiatives of HIV prevention and gender-related issues using data for development for programme implementation and monitoring.

  • Represented UNFPA within the one-UN team under the specific cluster meetings and within the United Nations Development assistance framework (UNDAF) format.

  • Provided support to government on various SWAp governance structures and provided strategic direction in the area of SRH including during humanitarian situations.

  • Provide strategic guidance to UNFPA management and other programme officers in the SRHR.

  • Planned and coordinated various advocacy and communication activities in SRHR supporting government and also increasing UNFPA visibility at national, regional and international levels.


From 2006 to 2009 I was a Project Officer – Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH) Officer, UNFPA, Lilongwe, Malawi


Inter alia, I was:


  • supporting partners towards the successful increase in access and utilization of youth friendly sexual reproductive health services, including Voluntary Counseling and Testing and condoms by young people aged 10 – 24 years, especially girls in the seven target districts.

  • supporting partners to increase access to Behavioral Change Communication programs by young people aged 10 - 24 years in school and out of school, especially girls in the seven target districts.

  • coordinating the implementation of the ASRH project with partners Banja La Mtsogolo (a Marie Stopes Affiliate) and ministry of youth sports and culture.

  • supporting the strengthening the monitoring and evaluation systems for sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention among young people in the seven target districts.

  • preparing and ssubmitting timely reports and updates to European commission based on the implementation of the activities.

  • leveraging resources with government, civil society and other UN agencies to successfully implement the SRH programme for young people.

  • backstopping SRHR activities within the country office towards supporting government and UNFPA partners in provision of quality SRHR services at all service delivery points including the community level.


From 2005 to 2006 I worked as a Consultant / Assistant Programme Officer responsible for Safe Motherhood with UNICEF


  • I coordinated a collaborated UN joint programme on national Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (EmONC) assessment conducted by the reproductive health unit of the Ministry of Health.

  • I reviewed proposals from partners and supported requests for implementation of safe motherhood initiatives.

  • I provided technical support to RHU and other partners in the implementation of the road map to EmONC.

  • I supported the strengthening of local structures to promote community involvement in maternal and neonatal health issues with focus on care of pregnant mothers while maintaining linkages with PMTCT.

  • I provided support towards improvement of the quality of care provided in all health facilities providing EmONC through resource mobilization for equipment, drugs, supplies and technical support.

  • I supported the strengthening of monitoring mechanisms at all levels i.e. national, district and community, to ensure that a database for maternal and neonatal health services was readily available.

  • I strengthened the health centre and community capacity to conduct maternal death audits.

  • I strengthened the capacity of health service providers to provide quality care during antenatal, labour and post natal periods including post abortion care.

  • I reviewed proposals from partners and supported requests for implementation of safe motherhood activities.


In 2004, I was the Safe Motherhood and Youth Coordinator in the Ministry of Health – Reproductive Health Unit


I was:


  • Coordinating safe motherhood issues at national level through the Reproductive Health Unit.

  • Organizing safe motherhood meetings at national level where review of maternal health issues was undertaken and recommendations were made to improve maternal health in Malawi.

  • Coordinating research studies on issues of maternal health particularly focusing on facilities and community level interventions.

  • Coordinating national emergency safe motherhood task force in collaboration with donors such as WHO and UNFPA in order to respond to immediate needs of maternal mortality issues in Malawi.

  • Reviewing national documents and conducted policy reviews on maternal health issues.

  • Conducting district level supervision on interventions aimed at addressing increased maternal mortality rates in Malawi.

  • Providingtechnical advice in the implementation of youth reproductive health issues.

  • Organizing national training in the area of youth SRH in collaboration with donors and other NGOs.


From 2002 to 2004, I was the Community Based Distribution Agent (CBDA) Officer/Consultant and Project Coordinator of the Population and Family Planning Project, a World Bank funded Program within the Ministry of Health and Population based in Lilongwe, Malawi


Among other things, I was:


  • supervising the activities of CBDAs and their primary supervisors.

  • monitoring progress made by CBDAs in recruiting family planning clients and door to door distribution of contraceptives.

  • identifying and meeting continuing training needs of CBDAs and their supervisors within the project districts in relation to family planning, HIV/AIDS and other reproductive health issues affecting communities in Malawi.

  • participating in the overall training and youth reproductive health activities of the project.

  • initiating income generating activities for CBDAs.

  • working with youth CBDAs and peer educators in the provision of reproductive health services through the formation of youth clubs.


From 2000 to 2002, I worked as a Lecturer, the University of Malawi – Kamuzu College of Nursing, Lilongwe


What I did as a Lecturer in the Department of Community and Mental Health Nursing, was:


  • Conducting research in communities on issues that affect the health of the people and implemented actions based on the identified problems.

  • Planning and preparing courses for the college.

  • Giving lectures, tutorials, instruction and conducted seminars, discussions and other means of instruction as required for full time and part time students in issues relating to health including HIV/AIDS, nutrition, child health and reproductive health issues.


In 2000, I served as the Matron of the Pediatric Ward at the Lilongwe Central Hospital, Lilongwe, Malawi


My work included:


  • Directing and coordinating services for nursing staff in the ward.

  • Coordinating with other clinicians and departments in providing services and resources to the patients in the ward.

  • Supervising and teaching students in the clinical area and assisted in their clinical evaluation.


From 1997 to 2000 I was a Staff Nurse at the Eastlake Nursing and Rehabilitating Center, Elkhart, Indiana, US


I was providing patient care to the elderly, supervising licensed practical nurses and certified nursing assistants in delivering quality patient care in line with the state laws and regulations, and counselling families and patients towards home care.


In 1999 I served as a Clinical Instructor at the Ivy Tech State College, South Bend, Indiana, U.S.A.


Among other things, I was:


  • instructing nursing students in clinical procedures.

  • instructing students on formulation of nursing care plans.

  • appraising students on quality and effective nursing care.

  • training students in delivery of nursing care.

  • together with other nursing instructors, appraising the students and preparing their course work.


1998 to 1999, I was a Staff Nurse in the Childbirth Unit of the Memorial Hospital in South Bend, Indiana, U.S.A.


Inter alia, I was:


  • assisting physicians during labour and deliveries of child bearing women.

  • providing ante, intra and post partum nursing care to women.

  • caring for newborn babies within few hours of delivery.

  • counselling families on issues pertaining to their psychological, psychosocial, physiological well being and provided spiritual support to the patients/clients.


1995 to 1998 I served as a Staff Nurse at the Ironwood Health and Rehabilitation Center in South Bend, Indiana, U.S.A.


I was,

  • providing patient care to the elderly.

  • supervising licensed practical nurses and certified nursing assistants in delivering quality care to the residents.

  • counselling families in transition towards home-care.


1995 I served as a Staff Nurse at the Lakeland Continuing Care Center in St. Joseph, Michigan, U.S.A.


I was

  • providing patient care to the aged.

  • supervising licensed practical nurses and certified nursing assistants.

  • counselling families in transition towards home-care.


From 1992 to 1993 Staff Nurse, Ministry of Health, Zomba Central Hospital, Zomba, Malawi


I was:

  • providing patient care to ante partum, intrapartum and postpartum mothers.

  • organizing and managing staff in labor and delivery wards.

  • instructing student enrolled nurses.

  • supervising the hospital on night shifts as a night superintendent.


Short term Advisory Services and Research that I have undertaken are as below: 


  • I have coordinated emergency safe motherhood national meetings within Malawi reproductive health unit in collaboration with other donors.


  • I have provided leadership in the development of the conceptual framework for the operationalization of the Malawi Social Action Fund III (MASAF) involving the Ministry of Health and the World Bank and other donors like UNICEF, WHO where discussions were held to implement community level initiatives to address issues of maternal and child health towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.


  • I have provided consultancy services to UNFPA Malawi office on “Meeting the Rights and Participation of Adolescent Girls in Malawi” where reproductive health was the main issue of focus.


  • I reviewed the 1999 - 2004 national HIV/AIDS framework on the component of Information Education and Communication and young people.


  • I developed a teaching plan for breast-feeding and infant child-care for women, infants and children in Porter County, Indiana, U.S.A.


  • I participated in the development of a training manual for youth friendly reproductive health services, a UNICEF funded project.


  • I participated in the development of a peer educators training manual for Banja La Mtsogolo, a Marie Stopes International affiliate organization.


  • I participated in the development of HIV voluntary counseling and testing guidelines for the youth, a UNFPA funded project.


  • I developed a Trainer of Trainers for HIV/AIDS curriculum for nurses and midwives in the Southern Africa region, which aims at improving the quality of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support by sharing information, capacity building, promoting best practice and strengthening regional health sectors.


  • I developed a Trainer of Trainers for sexual and reproductive health education in Malawi primary schools related to values clarification.


  • I developed a Trainer of Trainers of life skills for in and out of school youth in Malawi, which comprises reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and gender as part of the instructional materials.


  • I developed a Trainer of Trainers for youth friendly health services to service providers in Malawi with sexual and reproductive health as a main component including HIV/AIDS.


  • I developed a Trainer of the national behavioral change intervention strategies for HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health in Malawi.


  • I was the Consultant for National Youth Council of Malawi in relation to sexual and reproductive health issues for young people.


  • I conducted mid-term review of joint UNAIDS youth HIV initiative projects in Malawi: UNAIDS, Pretoria, South Africa, March 2004.


  • I conducted a needs assessment for young women involved in commercial work in Lilongwe. The study was commissioned by Family Planning Association of Malawi: June 2004.


  • I conducted mid-term review of UNFPA Malawi 5th country programme: 2002-2006 adolescent sexual and reproductive health sub-programme: August 2004.


  • I was the Consultant for SADC AIDS Network for Nurses and Midwives (SANNAM) in a survey on adherence to universal precautions among SANNAM member countries: August 2004


  • I served as a Member of the task force in the development of Malawi national youth policy and the youth friendly health strategy.


  • I participated in the development of the Malawi global fund proposal round seven which was focused on HIV prevention especially among young people.


I am a member of the following professional bodies:


  • Member, Association of Malawian Midwives.

  • Registered Nurse/Midwife, Nurses Council of Malawi.

  • Registered Nurse, States of Indiana and Michigan, USA.


I have served Malawi on the following boards:


  • Executive Board Member, Likuni Mission Hospital and Chitenje Maternity Trust.

  • Member, Nurses and Midwives Council of Malawi.

  • Committee member, Professional practice standing committee for the Nurses and Midwives Organization of Malawi.

  • Member, Family Planning Association of Malawi.

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